The 3D-Printed 45º/25º half-angle convergent-convergent nozzle has been semi-successful with some slight bubbling. The alignment with the original PVC end-cap is not great but with a new design protocol, it should be within 5% of the true center. The gray material is rockite quick cement which is mixed with water to a pretty thick consistency, maybe too thick, as the bubbling suggests that the cement was not flowy enough to fill in those voids. Although this nozzle, at the amateur level, is completely fine and will most likely not impact performance, it would be much better to have a voidless fill for a nicer aesthetic and less possible erosive ablation. Hopefully towards the end of this week, I will be able to static test a motor to see the performance and take some pictures afterwards of the nozzle material to analyze and refine the nozzle casting technique. Overall, I would consider this first-version nozzle cast to be a success.